HPU - High Performance Top Coat / 3 Gallon Kit
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HPU - 3 GALLON KIT. HPU is an Industrial Grade High Performance Urethane Topcoat. Available in clear as well as the colors you see above. If your project requires color stability and a non-yellowing aliphatic urethane, that's easy to apply, the choice is simple. Choose HPU. 320 to 500 Sq Ft per Gallon @ 3 to 5 mils wet thickness. HPU is a two component polyester/aliphatic polyurethane floor sealer that exhibits excellent characteristics for abrasion resistance, chemical resistance, flexibility, weathering and UV stability.
Application Instructions: Applying HPU is very easy and user friendly.
First Coat: 320 sq ft per gallon @ 5 mils
You will not wear spiked shoes, so start at the back of the space and work your way to the exit. Mix Part A and Part B for 2 to 3 minutes on slow to medium speed. Careful not to pull the mixer in and out of the material. Next, pour mixed material in a appropriate sized paint tray, then proceed to dip and roll using our high quality - solvent based - lint free - 3/8" nap roller cover. For larger than 100 sq ft, use an 18", then cut your corners and hard to reach areas with our 3" chip brush and a 9" roller.
Second Coat (finishing coat): 500 sq ft per gallon @ 3 mils
Wait 4 to 8 hours. To ensure proper adhesion test the coating by pressing on an area that is not visible. Press down using your finger, and if nothing is left behind it's safe to walk on. Proceed to apply the second coat, however apply the material the opposite direction that you applied the first coat. For example, if you applied the first coat from left to right, the second coat will be applied from front to back. Just remember that you don't want to roll in the same direction as your first coat. This will ensure you don't miss the same spot twice, and it will also ensure you don't leave behind roller marks.
NOTE: HPU has a long pot life - averaging 2.5 hours once Part A and Part B are mixed together.
Recommended Coverage / Application:
First Coat: 320 sq ft per gallon @ 5 mils
Second Coat: 500 sq ft per gallon @ 3 mils
For thin mil systems, HPU can be applied @ 500 sq ft per gallon. 1 coat is needed for a thin mil system. Remember to apply a primer first. Talk to a Spartan Expert Installer today for additional guidance. As always, our professional sales consultants will help you from the time of purchase, to the finishing coat of your resinous flooring project.
High Performance Urethane (colored) / High Gloss Finish
• Excellent chemical, abrasion resistance.
• Excellent Flexibility
• Excellent UV Stability
• High Gloss Finish
• Clear and Pigmented
• Ask about our VOC Compliant Formula if needed
• Available in Semi-Gloss
• Add HWS Anti-Slip for Slip Resistance
Cannot be sold to customers in California. For CA residents use SPE-WBG.
Recommended for auto service centers, warehouses, computer rooms, laboratories, aircraft hangers, cafeterias, exterior tanks, indoor or outdoor service and chemical exposure areas.
• Colors or gloss may be affected by high humidity, low temperatures, chemical exposure, or exposure to lighting such as sodium vapor lights.
• For best results use a high quality 3/8” nap roller.
• Slab on grade requires moisture barrier
• Substrate temperature must be 5°F above dew point
• All new concrete must be cured for at least 30 days
• Physical properties are typical values and not specifications
• Light or bright colors (white, safety yellow, etc.) may require multiple coats or a suitable color coordinated primer to achieve a satisfactory hide.
• Tire contact may cause staining and discoloration
• Colors may vary from batch to batch, therefore, use only product from the same batch for an entire job.
tack free (dry to touch)…………...………………………...…2-4 hours
recoat or topcoat.....…………….……..…………………....... 4-8 hours
light foot traffic...……………………………………..……14-24 hours
full cure (heavy traffic)... ……………..…..……………...…....3-5 days